Moving Fast

Justin and Amy grew into ambitious teens and soon into responsible adults. They both went to different paths. Little did they know that their lives were destined to cross each other’s path yet again when incidents would be lined in a manner that will invite a drastic change.Time went by like anything. And as they grew old they too forgot that they once had a friend named “Amy” and “Justin” in their respective lives. They met quite a lot of faces as they groomed into their professions. The school was left long behind and so was the childhood crush. But, a lot more was yet to happen.

Beauty With Brain

Amy turned into a gorgeous independent woman. She was sheer beauty and that too with a brain. She was a kind-hearted being, full of life. She could make anyone smile with her liveliness. However, she too had a set of problems that always came unintended to her. A problem that wasn’t exactly a problem until a day.

Family Man

While Amy was twisted in the strings of broken ties, Justin was a settled one. He was enjoying every bit of his life in Ornaldo with his better-half, the love of his life Adrianne Roberts. The couple was very much in love and their days were incomplete until they saw each other. Soon only their relationship got official.

Developing Interest

He wasn’t sure whether Amy will show interest in him or not. All those crazy thoughts that one has before dating was coming to him again. Luckily, Amy did show some curiosity in Justin’s profile. However, neither of them recognized each other and were still strangers to one another.

A Blessing

This confirmation came as a blessing to them. While Amy thought that because it was meant to happen, it did not work with any of her exes and Justin thought that Amy is the gift that his late fiancee left for him. The duo had an array of emotions running through their hearts.