There are many who believes that there are some giant sea monsters swimming in the ocean and are behind the disappearances of ships and airplanes. If going by the story that revolves around this place which says that there is a Bermuda Beast who is capable of pulling down the ships and planes, eventually, crashing them into the sea. We are not so sure about the giant monster but we are still with the Alien theory. But soon you’ll find the real reason that for sure will shock you.

There are few conspiracy theorists who have tried to connect the dots and suggested that all the incidents took place because of the traversable wormholes which are present in the ocean. So every time a ship or plane passes through those wormholes they are sent to some another dimension. Cool, right? If anything can beat the alien theory is this wormhole theory. There are a dozen theories but which one is the real reason behind the Bermuda Triangle?

With the power of the internet in our hands, these conspiracies didn’t take much longer to get viral and the mystery of the Bermuda Triangle became more interesting for the audience. Everybody wanted to know the reason behind all the incidents that ever took place. When the scholars heard about the theories they wanted to tell the people about the real reason behind and they succeeded in doing that.

According to the scientists, the Bermuda Triangle is only a hype because we made it. Just because that route is used for heavy passage of cargo ships and the incidents took place there that doesn’t make any other ocean less dangerous. Not all oceans are used as heavily as this route and because of that, these incidents of the disappearance of ships and planes happens more often. But what is the reason that made the Bermuda Triangle this dangerous?

Leaving behind the conspiracies that include giant sea monsters and aliens, there are a number of actual and believable causes that makes the Bermuda Triangle do such things. We agree that science doesn’t have all the answers yet, but they do have an answer to the Bermuda Triangle situation now.

According to the scientists who have proposed several theories, one is the presence of methane hydrates in the ocean and to make it simpler for you to understand, they are known as natural gas bubbles that are present in the continental shelves. Continental shelves are the space of seabed that surrounds a large landmass where the level of the sea is typically lower than the open ocean.

But along with continental shelves, there is one most important thing that made the Bermuda Triangle the mystery of the century.