Any Inquiries

As expected, there were loads of interested adopters who wanted to take Bobi into their custody. There were so many who wanted to adopt and give Bobi a better life. Even though the organization’s location is all the way in Romania, they were clear that they could ship Bobi all around Europe, the USA, or Canada. Finally, the right person came up.

Finally Adopted

UPDATE: Bobi was adopted !!! After a journey of over 4600 miles from Romania to the US, our brave Bobi arrived at his new home in Delaware, United States and is now finally living the happy life he so much deserves, the organization excitedly expressed.

A Loving Family

Bobi after living through a hard experience has finally become an adopted pet. His days of roaming about the streets of Romania with no shelter or food to eat are finally over. He finally found someone to love him and keep him safe no matter what happens. He does not need to worry about feeling alone and scared anymore. Bobi has now found a good home.

Dedicated Individuals

The staff at ‘Howl of a Dog’ have indeed done a wonderful job in the way they handled Bobi’s case. You can say that Bobi’s life is changing right before everyone’s eyes and it is absolutely amazing. This dog’s life is changing for the better and hence everyone that knows about him is smiling from ear to ear. There are some of the things that make life worth living.

Reading about Bobi must have probably made you a little more conscious about how you treat your dog or dogs in general (i.e, if you have a heart). Here are a few tips and trick to make your dog happier and become a better owner…

Switch Toys

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Owners can be quite different from each other. There are some dog owners who buy a ton of toys for their pets while some buy them just one or two. Much like us humans, even dogs can get bored with playing with the same thing over and over again. They too get excited about new toys and stuff. You do not have to buy them an endless supply of toys but you should remember to switch them ever so often that they feel like they play with a new toy each time.

Walks Are Crucial

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Walks are not just for exercise. It is actually needed for your dog’s mind. Dogs also have a need to explore and see new things and not get cooped up in the house for their entire lifetime. Many owners do not make time to walk their dogs and this is a very bad practice. For your dog to be in it’s best physical and mental health, you need to take them out every day. Burning up their energy and meeting new folks is proven to be healthy for their overall well being. What’s bad about spending some Q&A time with your furry friends?