What’s That Tune?

Even though the dancing stopped the trio appreciated the music. Even the chief started shaking his head in tune with the song. The next floor came and Tony could not wait to get back to his dancing, he saluted the Chief officer and resumed to his steps the moment the Chief turned his back.

Three Is Better Than Two

On the same floor that Chief Deputy Officer left on, Deputy Murphy- School Resource Officer came in the elevator. She noticed the errant behavior of  Deputy Reed and Deputy Tony and kept observing them for a while. Unable to resist anymore she joined the pair and the three of them kept on dancing without a care in the world.

The Superman!

No, the superman did not join them but the next best thing happened. Soon the three of them started syncing their steps according to the lyrics of the song. When the lyrics referring to Superman come, all three of them imitate the flying style and sync their moves. The video in the next slides is hilarious!

It’s A Party!!

As if the three of them were not rocking enough, they were joined by Sheriff Bill Elder. As suggested by his name he WAS elder in his seniority to them. Again they hushed up when he came in but this time it was the senior who took the initiative of restarting the party. The four of them went gaga over a Silento song!

We Don’t Care

They all probably knew they were being watched but they could not have cared less. After all, they were not doing anything wrong. Just having a little harmless fun. This just comes to show that these officers try to invest on the little time they get from their stressful jobs. It not only de-stressed them but proved to be hilarious worldwide.

Every Step You Take

The hidden camera in the elevator recorded the whole of the party and their crazy dance moves. The video was released on the internet as a tribute to Tony and his work. The Sherrif office in a Facebook post wrote that ‘Tony earned the reputation from his peers and supervisors as being highly professional and exceptionally knowledgeable.’