The First Encounter

Sarah spoke to Katie through Facebook instantly to inform her that she wanted to return her long-lost camera and photos to her. After agreeing to meet each other in a place that was public, they decided to do it at the Target parking space.

Finally Meeting Each Other

Katie was incredibly pleased to meet Sarah. “Thank you!” Katie exclaimed as she approached Sarah. Once reunited with the camera she’d lost years earlier, Katie was delighted. “I think we thought it was long gone!” she admitted.

Getting Back The ‘Memories’

The photos were clicked back in 2011 although the camera was returned in 2017. So the little baby boy in the photos was now seven years old. Katie was clearly very excited to after all those years get to see her son’s baby pictures again.

 A Truly Valuable Gift

Obviously, Katie would be going down memory lane as her son’s pictures for more than half a decade had been thought of to be lost forever. All thanks to Sarah the bargain hunter extraordinaire, her precious memories have been restored.

A Trip Down Memory Lane

Katie was overflowing with emotions.“I didn’t think of it as a big deal. I would think that anyone else would do it, but I guess maybe nowadays that isn’t the case,” Sarah told KTVL. She poured out her immense gratitude towards Sarah.

Remember The Golden Rule

“I didn’t buy a camera, I bought a bag, and that’s wrong,” Sarah continued. “I live by the golden rule – I would hate someone to do that to me.” Sarah’s efforts to return the camera to the true owner is no doubt so inspirational and such a commendable act of selflessness.