The Inseparable Bond

Source: Instagram/lilothehuskyOver the course of the time, Lilo and Rosie had developed an inseparable bond. Rosie knew that whenever she would be needing help with anything her “mom” Lilo would always be there for her. Soon enough, she started to emulate Lilo in everything she does. That was quite a surprise for the sisters. 

Emulation became a habit

Source: Instagram/lilothehuskyRosie’s emulation of Lilo’s action became so consistent that Rosie thought of her as she was a husky dog, not a cat. The mother-daughter duo did everything together. They even slept together.  

Part of dog family

Source: Instagram/lilothehusky
However, it was quite awkward to witness such unique relationship. Rosie not only picked and learned things from Lilo but from Infinity and Miko too. Rosie was now a member of their family. 

Joining The Family Walk

Source: Instagram/lilothehuskyRosie even wanted to join the dogs when they set out to walk. She always exuded a sad expression just to let the sisters know that she also wants to be the part of this. So, one of them suggested that Rosie should come along. “I was like, you’re crazy, we’re going to look ridiculous,” Bui told Buzzfeed.

The mischievous duo

Source: Instagram/lilothehusky
Lilo and Rosie had developed a habit of sleeping together. They never slept without each other. This mother-daughter duo had become quite mischievous.Both were partners in crime. They used to steal food from Infinity and Miko’s plate. 

Always proving a point

Source: Instagram/lilothehusky
Rosie always tried to prove that her abilities were not less than that of huskies. But as a matter of fact, her size was a major factor which differentiated her from the dogs. Obviously, that was not her fault. It was quite natural.