In Poor Condition

Lucky enough to be living, Karapiru was in poor condition. “There was no way of healing the wound. I couldn’t put any medicine on my back, and I suffered a great deal,” he said. “The lead was hot on my back, bleeding. I don’t know how it didn’t become full of insects. But I managed to escape from the whites.”…

The Lone Time Spent By Karapiru

Karapiru stayed alone for 10 long years. He was battling for his survival.  He traveled a long distance of nearly 400 miles on foot. Crossing each every river and sand dunes that he came across. “It was very hard,” he told Survival International. “I had no family to help me, and no one to talk to.” 

Non-Ending Fight for survival

Since he was traveling he didn’t get the food he used to eat in Maranhao. He hunted small birds and ate honey for his survival. At night, in order to protect himself from the wild animals, he used to sleep on the higher branches of copaiba trees. To mitigate loneliness factor he used to talk to himself.  

The Accidental Meeting

It had been more than 10 years that his family was mercilessly killed by a group of armed men, who opened fire at them. While he was traveling, he met a farmer on the border of the small village. The farmer also had a sharp tool in his hand, but he had a friendly nature, unlike the men who killed his family. 

Uncomfortable at first

The farmer was a blessing in disguise for Karapiru. He welcomed Karapiru into his hut and noticing his abysmal condition, offered him food and water. The farmer even allowed him to live in his hut, in exchange for chores. The farmer gave him rice, flour, and coffee to eat, which he never ever had in life. Karapiru was also quite uncomfortable with the way, the farmer lived. 

Anthropologist came to interview Karapiru

The news spread to the town, that an unknown man of an unknown tribe was living with the farmer. An anthropologist got this news and straight away headed towards them. When anthropologist interviewed Karapiru, he was unable to under his language. The anthropologist got in touch with FUNAI, a Brazilian government agency, and requested them to provide him with a translator, but they sent the wrong man.