Her Help Was Needed

Amy rescued all of Biscuit and the other dogs at the disgraceful shelter. “Amy spotted Biscuit and his siblings, friends, co-canines, on a property in KY while visiting. Amy didn’t just drive by, she stopped and rescued one of the dogs that very day”, a volunteer was quoted as saying.

Getting Rescued

“She continued communicating with the owner until every single dog was rescued from that property, where they were chained 24/7 with no shelter”, the volunteer continued. Good Newz Rehab Center in Virginia took Biscuit in after the initial rescue. This location was where Michael Vick once organized dogfights for entertainment.

A Safe Space

The site has since been transformed into a heaven for dogs to stay in. Biscuit found a home here. After spending his entire life being shackled, Biscuit could finally roam free. Amy Hines’ Youtube channel has posted a clip where Biscuit played and ran to his heart’s content.

A New Taste Of Freedom

Biscuit could now do whatever he wanted. He could run, walk, nap and fool around as much as he had always wanted. Describing the moment as Biscuit’s “freedom run”, there is a video where a volunteer holds him on a leash later letting him off giving him the full liberty to prance around and be glee.

Happiness With Freedom

The wagging of his tail shows his excitement as he investigates and inspects the 6-acre land he now calls his playground. The look on his face shows how confused and new all the trees and plants were for him. He appears to be flaunting his natural hunting skills, sniffing the ground. He became a little too excited needing a toilet break!

The Thrill Of Freedom

The video is captioned to perfection, “We never get tired of watching this happen. Biscuit lived his entire life on the chain until last week. This was his first ‘Freedom Run’ in the 6-acre field… He is STUNNING.”