Individual Collar to every pup

The litter consisted of 12 female and 6 male puppies. In order to distinguish them, Cecilia tugged each one of them with their own individual collar of different colors.  Cecilia said, “They must have their collars on at all times, so we do not get them mixed up, because sometimes at a quick glance you can get them muddled.” 

The Hearing Test

Except for the collars, they have got every pup microchipped and dewormed. The Dalmatian pups needed to pass a hearing test as well. A gene which is responsible for their hearing capability is also responsible for the spots on their body. The Dalmatians develop hearing problems since the time of their birth.  

Cecilia took them to the vet for their tests

Cecilia soon took her pups to the Ballarat Veterinary Practice for their hearing check up on June 27. Cecilia explained on social media, “Getting them to the vets for their first microchipping, worming and hearing tests took a lot of organization.”  Fortunately, the veterinary nurses were there to help and a wheeling trolley helped their cause as well.

The Primary Caretaker

Jade Martin was appointed as the primary caretaker for the 18 Dalmatian pups. Following was Jade’s responsibility: feeding the puppies in every four hours for the first four weeks. The responsibility list also included training, exercising and cleaning of the pups. However, Jade also received an external help from her dog-loving daughter, Lulu.

Jade selected ‘Tilly’ from the lot!!

Cecilia decided to breed Miley and Astro while ‘Tilly The Love Story’ or Tilly for short, was the one Jade opted for, out of the entire litter. Lulu was excited to have Tilly as her family member. A post on the Facebook page of CCDalmatians stated, “Lulu has created a very special bond with her new beloved Dalmatian, Tilly. Watching Lulu and Tilly grow up together is the most rewarding thing to see as a breeder.”

‘Paris’ also won a Baby Puppy Award

Cecilia also selected one pup from the litter of 18 puppies, whom she is currently breeding. ‘From Paris With Love’ also known as Paris had also won a Baby Puppy award at Victoria’s Jubilee Show. Other puppies also found their forever home. Cecilia explained, “For every person, I accepted in giving a home to one of the puppies, I turned down seven offers.”