Land Ahoy!!

The crew couldn’t believe their eyes as they were standing witness to the birth of an island. The deity of the ocean, Pele had given birth to a new island. It was something unreal and unbelievable. The whole crew was stunned to witness this. It was history in the making.

The Birth Of Something Colossal

The impossible had happened. The never-before-seen moment was in front of their eyes. They started sailing closer to this magnificent new island still in disbelief of what they had just witnessed. It was a truly a miracle, a moment which they will probably remember for their whole lives. An island had erupted from the sea.

A Miracle on Earth

This here was the natural phenomenon of formation of an island. Earth is filled with many such miracles. In fact, it’s these miracles that made this planet what it is today. The earth is full of mystery, still, a number of scientists are trying to decipher the various phenomenon but still are incapable of doing so.

The Nishinoshima Volcano

Another instance of formation of islands is shown here in the Nishinoshima Volcano in Japan back in 2015. Here through a bird’s eye view, we can see and appreciate the power that nature commands to be able to materialize a whole island from what seems like thin air.

The Kilauea Volcano In Hawaii

Another really interesting thing found in nature is Lava. In its natural form lava is scorching hot, having the ability to burn through anything in just a few seconds. But once it cools down, it forms land. A fertile plain for life to thrive on.

El Salvador’s Izalco Volcano Site

While it has the ability it gives life, one should also be aware of its other form, one such example that comes to mind is El Salvador’s Izalco Volcano Site. Even dormant volcanoes can wreak havoc. They have magma still present inside them which turns to lava when exposed to air.