Heroic Navy Commandercharles lightoller - wwi

Charles was soon back on his feet and ready to get going to help his nation. He was captain of the HMS Garry, the ship that played a defining role in the war by destroying a German U-Boat. He was honored with one of the most prestigious national awards for all the decisions that proved to be a success.

Saluted By BritainCharles Lightoller - wwi

The Navy awarded him with two medals for his renowned achievements. In 1919, Charles retired from the navy when he was serving at the rank of commander. While mostly everyone thinks of retirement as the time to rest and live at ease, Charles life took an unpleasant turn. Yet he was about to be much more than a sailor.

Dedicated Family Mancharles lightoller

Charles and his wife Sylvia had 5 children and Charles wished to work to fulfill all his kids’ wishes. He was again looking for a job and wanted to to do what he felt he was made for, the seas. Although the man had more than 20 years of experience he didn’t get an opportunity. He even tried to approach the White Star Line, the company he always stayed loyal to. Unfortunately, there were no openings for an exceptional employee. When he discovered the reason for this scarcity of jobs for him, he got to know the weirdest reason.

Inescapable Black Markcharles lightoller

Due to the superstitions going on throughout the sailing industry, about the misfortune that the Titanic surviving officers might bring with them. It became almost impossible to get back to the sea. Charles decided not to make any more efforts to get a job in the White Star Line. At this phase, he proved himself more than just a seaman.

Anchors Awaycharles lightoller

Charles left the sailing and worked at several jobs from time to time as an innkeeper, a chicken farmer, and at one point, as a property speculator. During this time he penned down his adventures in an autobiography named Titanic and Other Ships. His honest confessions and heroic adventures were praised by the readers and the book was a success. Only if he knew that he is yet to play an iconic role in the history of his nation, he would have waited to finish this book.

Into Spying

Once his kids were all grown up, Charles and Sylvia managed to maintain a boat named Sundowner to spend their days peacefully with the sea. The couple sailed across Northern Europe not knowing that a top-secret mission needed their help.