The Football Match

Two fellow soldiers, Risdon, and Jason Gibson were working hard at the army camp. They had a tiring day and to cheer up their moods they decided to watch the players of Fort Benning’s football team in Columbus practicing for their senior match. They were a true football fan. It was one of the only things they looked up to apart from their training at the campsite. While they were excited to see their favorite players striving for the goals, their excitement soon went into vain as the weather turned into a rough one. Soon the practice was called off. They would have never thought that the evening was going to turn into something like this. It was getting darker and the weather decided to get worse with every minute.

A Stoppage

As the weather was turning unpredictable, the duo decided to stop at any nearing restaurant. It wasn’t safe to stay out on road in such a condition. They finally found a good restaurant on their way towards Alabama. Without wasting even a single second, they rushed into the restaurant. Little did they know, that they weren’t escaping the storm but rather was inviting something even worse.

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The Approaching Shadow

Risdon alertly gazed at the door. Though he was extremely tired and such weather made him a little cozy, he knew his eyes are not frauding him. A soldier’s eye can never mistake a strange happening. As the mysterious figures came closer towards the door, their shadows became a little darker. For some unknown reason, the soldier could smell suspicion.

Two Intruders

Risdon alertly gazed at the door. Though he was extremely tired and such weather made him a little cozy, he knew his eyes are not frauding him. A soldier’s eye can never mistake a strange happening. As the mysterious figures came closer towards the door, their shadows became a little darker. For some unknown reason, the soldier could smell suspicion.

A Realization

They were actually boys who told the officer that they were here to raise some funds for a local church nearby. And to raise that fund, they are selling some homemade bakery goods. Risdon could not believe his ears. Undoubtedly, the mysterious boys were nothing but innocent and generous souls who were trying to help humanity.