Who Found Bemis?

So, after all these years you would think that Bemis would never end up in their midst again right? After all, the dog was not a big hulking breed that could terrorize anyone he meets. So you must be wondering at the back of your mind, who was the person who found Bemis? Who could have, after 7 dreadfully long years, managed to locate the dog?

Tracy Tucker

After Kelly and Donovan did their best to locate and find their dog, they had to come home with bad news that seemed eternal. Even though they went all over the neighborhood, asking stranger and neighbors alike if their dog had been spotted, there was no one who could find Bemis. But at last, a woman named Tracy Tucker found the dog walking in Gastonia, North Carolina back in 2016.

Way Back Home

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She was actually on her way home from work and was driving. Since she saw that Bemis was a tiny dog that appeared to be very lost and lonely, she felt bad and opened the car door for the doggie. She just wanted to take him home as she felt like the street was no place for a dog like him. The little guy did not hesitate to jump in and join her on her way back home.

Bemis’ Parents?

So what Tracy did was, she decided that it would be best if she went to an animal hospital to get the dog checked. So after taking him home, Tracy took little Bemis to the Wilkinson Animal Hospital to find out if the dog was micro-chipped. So what happened when the doctors checked to see if the dog that had wandered alone for all those years had a microchip or not?

Good Connections

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The professionals did find that the little guy had been micro-chipped. But there was a problem that followed. Bemis’ microchip information had become so outdated that they could not even make use of it to track down his parents. However, lucky for Bemis because the people working at the hospital had some good connection that allowed them to pull some strings.

A Phone Number

After trying so hard, the animal hospital could finally do something fruitful. They were able to reach out to the American Kennel Club Reunite. They were the ones who made it possible to successfully locate the phone number for Kelly’s mother-in-law. Even though this was not the actual parents of Bemis, it was close enough so they contacted them.