
A few years back, a river otter attacked Sydney Sainsbury, a Montana woman, who was floating on the rivers. She was tubing on the Madison River at the time she first saw the otter around 20 feet away. According to her the moment she looked at the otter, it suddenly attacked her. After the incident, she got eight stitches on her head.


“It was just on me, it was just attaching itself to me and biting me so it was really hard to get it off of me and that was what was really scary was being mauled by like a rodent type animal that I was never scared of before,” she recalled the ‘unprovoked’ attack in an interview. Similarly, an otter seemed to be cute to an old woman until it attacked her while kayaking. So now you know in what situation John had put his feet in.


Don’t go on there cute images and adorable smiles. If we tell you about male otters’ behavior towards female otters you’ll be forced to change your mind about these so-called lovable animals. Male otters are quite violent in nature when it comes to sexual intercourse. They keep biting their female partner’s face while they are at it, just to maintain the grip. As a result, the females get plentiful facial wounds. Many poor females die because of drowning or due to infectious wounds, which is a very common thing to happen according to the stats. Are these otters equally violent towards all other creatures? What will happen to poor John?

Poor BabiesImage result for otters seals baby

After reading this you’ll surely understand the seriousness of the moment, John was in. As the number of female otters is less, male otters even have sex with baby seals! Otters don’t stop even when the baby dies of trauma as they are known to copulate with their bodies for over a week. Scientists called this behavior “misdirected sexual activity.” This is some serious stuff we have just discussed and now you know one dark side of otters too. But John was going to be lucky that day.

Not Really!

Otters are generally said to be very active and playful animals. The otters that people usually encounter are river otters, sea otters are rarely seen. In fact, 90% of the sea otters spend most of their lives on the coast of Alaska. Then what was this one doing here? So far from the place, it belongs? And on top of it, what was it doing getting this close to humans? Just for your information, it is not at all normal if a sea otter comes to any random sea shore like this.

Running Through His Mindattracting attention

As we told you an otter is never seen on the beach in Vancouver. The person might have thought of it to be a dog or cat who swam far off to reach till the land. But it was an otter and for goodness’s sake, it seemed to be in a good mood. The otter was holding John’s leg and kind of playing with him. And when a cute looking animal does that who would stay behind from caressing it?