Evergreen Cemetery


One of the most well-known sites during the whole Civil War era would certainly be the popular cemetery called The Evergreen Cemetery. This cemetery is located in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania. The cemetery had actually been built less than a decade before the whole battle ever took place. There is also one more reason why this cemetery is so famous. Care to know why? This cemetery also gained some popularity due to the fact that it was visible in pictures of Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address that happened on these very grounds. If you wonder what the cemetery looks like right now, we have you covered. Just look at the photo below. Even the details of the arched building are still well intact and have not been tampered with or defaced and have actually been maintained nicely all these years.


Arlington House


Here is another iconic photo that had been taken during the time the Civil War was in full swing. Can you tell which building this is? Yes, this building seen in this photo above is actually the Arlington House where Confederate General Robert E Lee resided in and called home before the war ever happened. This building is now a historical building of great significance. The whole building is kept as a memory of him and is a very popular tourist site these days. The photograph shows us a very interesting blend of both military personnel and civilians posing on the steps of the general’s building. Below we see a class that is taking a picture in front of the famous building on a study tour.


United States Capitol


It is important for a country to make sure its historical buildings are well preserved. The government must take measures to make sure that these buildings do not get defaces, damaged or degraded because of either time or external sources. We can all agree that the US Capitol’s stands out from other buildings because of its distinctive styled shape. It would not be wrong to say that everyone these days know about this historical landmark. This iron dome was actually built during the time of when the Civil War took place. In the photo above we can see that one of the well-known Confederate captains Henry Wirz who had been publicly executed during the war. Since the building is quite old now its currently under restoration as evidently seen in the photo below.


Ford’s Theater


As we all know, one of the most popular public figures during the Civil War has to be the president at that time, Abraham Lincoln. President Lincoln was indeed a man who brought about man changes in the way society functioned. But like all other iconic legends, he fell as a victim of assassination during the wartime. And where was the president assassinated you may be wondering? President Abraham Lincoln was assassin ted at the For’s Theater. The box where the president sat has become a historical site where tourists often come to visit. Today, the box where the president sat where he got assassinated at the Ford’s Theater has not changed all that much. Because of this incident, the theater was shut off from the public’s entry for 100 years. The theater finally reopened during the 1960s.


Cumberland Landing


In the above photograph, we can see the Cumberland Landing, Virginia. Why is this site famous? This is the place where the Union moved one very huge armies so as to launch a big blow to the Confederate capital that was located all the way in Richmond. This land served as an important asset to the soldiers in the Union. A huge portion of the whole location was used up as a temporary housing area for thousands of soldiers that set up their tents. It would have been a thrilling experience to camp out in the woods where anything could happen at any moment. It must have been quite intimidating for the enemies to host an attack on these men as they were so big in number. In the picture below, we can see what the Cumberland Landing looks like in present day. The site had been transformed into a spectacular park.


Mary Todd Lincoln

Mary Todd Lincoln

If you do not know this lady, then you cannot call yourself a true patriot. This lady here is Mary Todd Lincoln. She was President Abraham Lincoln’s wife. There is, however, one very weird thing that Mary was involved in during her lifetime. Before she ever married her president husband Abraham Lincoln, Mary Todd had been involved in a loving affair with Lincoln’s political opponent, Stephen A. Douglas. To say that Mary Todd’s life was extremely difficult would have to be an understatement. She had to go through a lot. She was actually present right beside Abraham Lincoln during the time of his assassination. Moreover, she also managed to live longer than 3 of his 4 sons. Because of Lincoln’s brutal murder, she had to be professionally assessed for psychiatric issues.