Discovering Life

You will never believe or guess what the scientists found under the huge chunk of ice. There was life underneath! The newly discovered ice floor had been spending approximately 120,000 years with absolutely no source of light. Very small sized currents actually connect the ocean to the sea floor. The discovery was that an entirely different ecosystem had birthed itself here…

The Great Unknown

In an interview, Susan Grant, who works as a marine biologist at the British Antarctic Survey revealed that the new discovery is truly a huge undertaking but that the hard work and dedication was all worth it. Since their knowledge about this discovery is still very insignificant, they still could not note down what exactly thrived under such temperatures and climates. Scientists can easily find out what exists above the surface but find it extremely difficult to uncover what lives underneath.

Beneath It All

Phil Trathan, another scientist who works with Susan states that this site needs to be preserved so as to make it possible for further research. There is a need for additional hours to fully explore the unfamiliar places like this. In the year 2016, the Commission for Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources released a statement proclaiming Larsen C section as ” no research zone”.For 2 years, no study could be made here.

The Dynamic

The discovered ecosystem still holds so much mystery. This marine ecosystem truly is something entirely different. The living organisms are living under constant change too. Firstly, the explored ecosystem was hiding so much. Then. after being discovered, this place is still keeping even more secrets. They say everything is interconnected in this world but Antarctica’s connection with the rest of the world still hold so much mystery.

The Unveiling

The Antarctic sea floor might uncover new thing which makes scientists and researchers incredibly intrigued. They cannot wait to discover the vast variety of flora and fauna and other species that are existing in this special atmosphere and environment. It is almost certain that they will find new organisms and species that are still foreign to out knowledge. Let us look into this…

Going Deeper

Researchers know for a fact that shocking incidents such as this lead to opportunities to let scientists discover the hidden secrets that the planet holds from us. Susan Grant and her team have a deep interest to find out what this changing climate can result in when it comes down to new living beings. Researchers have pointed out that lesser known species can actually thrive under extreme climatic changes.