Behind The Wall
The Secret Behind The Wall

As soon as the mysterious dresser was moved, what was hiding behind it was something fit for a horror movie. The police discovered a hole that took them inside a small twelve-feet-long, five-feet wide and a four-feet tall dark room that was present behind this dresser. What was inside this room was even more shocking. It was Shannon hiding in the room with little Ricky.

The Heartbreaking Truth

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From what the authorities discovered that day, it became quite clear what had been happening all along. There was no hiding the truth anymore. It was clear that Michael was indeed not a villain despite the picture that was painted about him by Shannon and Diane. Cops could conclude that for about two years, Diane had kept both her daughter and grandson inside this room. They took both and the truth was heartbreaking…

Outdoor Happiness
Outdoor Happiness

After realizing that Ricky had been kept in hiding by his mom and grandmom, the police finally took him out of the unbearable small room. When he was in the custody of the police, they saw a weird behavior that made them feel terribly sad. Sergeant Stan Diggs of the Illinois Police Department revealed, “We let him out of the [patrol] car, and he ran around like he’d never seen outdoors.”

Serving Justice

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This would have been such a sad sight for anyone to see because we all know that a child normally likes to spend time outdoors and stay active. They could not believe that his own mother had put him through something like this. He then went on, “It was actually very sad. He was very happy to be outside. He said he never goes outside.” The cops were adamant on giving little Ricky and Michael the justice they both deserved.

The Consequences
Facing The Consequences

Just like her son, the police also took custody of Shannon. However, she was taken into custody for a whole other reason. Shannon was immediately charged with felony child abduction. She had vanished with her son and had clearly kept him in an extremely unhealthy environment. Along with her, her mother, Diane, was also charged with aiding and abetting. The two were arrested.

Still Fighting Back

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Shannon was still not ready to go down without a fight. Even after all the damage, she had done, she was still not admitting to her faults. She was still not willing to let Michael take her son. Then Shannon was freed on bail and misconstrued the story to make it appear as though Ricky had enjoyed freedom over the last two years. The evidence that was there and her story were clashing.