Patch The Hero

Patch knew that he had been a hero and done a good deed by saving his mother from extreme danger. “He was walking with pride,” Clara said. “Like, ‘oh, I’m a good dog.’ He knew he did something, and every time you gave him a treat, he was like ‘I did this and now I get all the attention!’” 

Furry Companion

Patch stayed with the Davis family after that day. The family knew what a gem a dog is and they could not let anything so precious go away. Patch proved it right that dogs are truly human’s best friend. 

A Guardian Angel

Patch was an Angel in disguise who saved Nola’s life. They were doubtful of this precious thing at first but he out-stood everyone’s expectations. Patch is priceless and so is every dog. 


For the brave deed because of which Patch had risked his life, he was awarded and honored with a bravery award from American Red Cross. He is one of the brave dogs of America who have been courageous and have gone an extra mile for the welfare of humans. 

Unknown Consequences

Imagine what would have happened if Nola and Richard would not have decided and agreed upon gifting Patch to their children or would have given him away to someone else for the reason of him growing to be too big? 

Everyone’s Security

Dogs have a built-in security system and are their for everybody to protect them no matter what the problems or conditions. They will always protect you with all that they have and never let you face any dangerous situation alone.