Welcome To Your Tape

No, it is not a Halloween costume gone horrifyingly wrong. This boy either is the victim of a bullying incident or his mother was tired of telling him to leave his cell phone and go outside. She TIED him to the outside. In either case, the police came to the location and before talking to the culprit they had to figure out how to un-tape the guy without hurting him, literally anywhere. He won’t be needing waxing for a long time for sure.

That Must Burn

Fire should be kept away from literally everything- children, clothes, animals, plastic, and Macbooks. Why does one need to light a candle in front of a laptop? In case of electricity failure, isn’t the light from laptop enough? Also, HOW DID THE CANDLE FLAME EVEN MANAGE TO BURN A HOLE IN A SCREEN!!??

That’s My Spot

You know how lions fight amongst each other for territory? Well, they don’t discriminate among animals. And like Sheldon, they are really particular about their spot. Hope that all the lion did was to pee on this man’s tent to give him the message.

Knock Knock

People go on wildlife safaris expecting to have a good time, see exotic animals and some dangerous ones but they try to maintain their distance. They, after all, do not want to become their food. Wildlife came too close to these people’s life when a full-grown elephant decided to pay them an exclusive visit. The fright and fear are clearly visible on couple’s faces. No one wants to die by having their car roof smashed by a giant elephant’s trunk!

Dance Attack!

So the kid is completely overreacting here right? RIGHT? Who can be scared of a peacock who has spread its feathers to dance? The only explanation is that the kid didn’t know that a bird could spread its feathers like that got frightened because she thought that she was gonna be attacked. Hope that her parents gave her some bird education. What was a peacock doing in the front lawn anyway?

Cemented In Place

To be fair, it was no fault of the car owner. He parked the car in front of his house, little he could have known that cement would not only be spilled on his car but render it incapable of movements. The bonnet of the car cannot be opened now, not until science has discovered a way to melt cement. Hope the guy had car insurance, given that companies provide insurance for accidental cement spill.