Military Life Cycle

When a family member dies, it hurts. The void they leave when they pass away is endless and the pain is indescribable. Sometimes, however, a kind gesture from family, a friend, or a random stranger can lessen the pain.This family that received an unexpected act of compassion from another mourner

Staff Sergeant Joseph Villasenor served commendably for 16 years in the United States Air Force, after enlisting back in 1994. He pitched for the Charleston Air Force Base’s softball league, his favorite sport. For Villasen his dreams definitely came true. But in 2010, something unexpected happened to him.
Military Life Cycle

The Widower’s Practice

86-year-old Jake Reissig lost his wife, Betty, of 65 years in the year of 2014. With nine kids, they had an amazing married life. After Betty died, the Conroe resident started a routine that he continues to do to this day. Luckily, the other grieving family has found gratitude because of his actions.Jake goes to church every Sunday morning. Then he joins one of his kids for coffee before going home. When he reaches home, he snips a few roses from his beautiful garden and heads to pay his wife a visit at Garden Park Cemetery. He also makes sure to water Betty’s headstone before leaving her the roses. He had never forgotten to practice this routine, come rain or shine.

A Widower's Routine

A Rose For Dear Betty

Jake truly is a romantic soul! All through their 65-years of being married, he gave Betty a rose every day. But death has no dominion over love, so he still gives her a rose. On occasions, he speaks to her telling her how much he misses her. But in 2015, something caused him to change his routine by adding one more task.Texas was hit by a tragic drought in the summer of 2015 causing the grass in the cemetery to turn all yellow and dried up. Jake still went to water Betty’s grave trying to maintain the green grass. In the end, his dedication paid off and the grass turned green again. Then one day, as he wrapped up his routine, he discovered something heart-wrenching.

A Rose For Betty

An Angel

Jake approached Joseph’s astonished parents, explaining to them how he had conversed with their daughter-in-law a few months back. He also told them about his daily routine and how he decided to do the same for Joseph’s grave. Jake felt that it was the least he could do for a man who served his country. Raymond and Rachel didn’t realize that Jake had lost someone in the armed forces too.Jake’s daughter, Misha, married a U.S. veteran named Benjamin. After getting deployed, Ben learned he had cancer. Even after going through chemo, his son-in-law died in 2011. Misha has remarried with two kids but Benjamin has always had a place in her heart. So, Jake could sympathize with the parent’s pain of losing a son.

Earth Angel

It’s In His Nature

Now Jake has two people to visit in the graveyard; his wife Betty, and Joseph, whom he calls Joe. Of course, with the open heart that he has, according to Jake’s son, Roger, he claims his dad’s affection for Joe is similar to the way he treated his wife and kids. Roger wanted to make sure his father’s gesture goes viral.Jake’s incredible selflessness warmed Raymond and Rachel heart, but they had an idea how to thank him, so they just gave him a huge hug. Rachel couldn’t believe that a stranger who had never met her son took the time to care for her son’s plot. Turns out, Jake and Raymond were not complete strangers at all. How?you ask.

It's In His Nature