If you are a cat lover you know damn well how much entertainment they can bring. Even if they have committed a crime, they always end up looking so adorable that our anger vanishes. They can be needy and annoying sometimes but all in all, they are always there for us when we feel a little down or lonely. Cats are known to commit mischievous acts like stealing our food when we look away, leaving some poop inside the house among other things. But at the end of the day, they really do make for the best company. However, it does not mean that cats do not deserve to get punished when they do something wrong. So here is a list of cats that have done some damage at home, resulting in their owners punishing them with what we can call internet cat shaming. Check out these funny punishments right now…

Cat Nip Fiend

In this photo, you may not be able to tell straightaway but something had gone terribly wrong. This cat here got a whiff of the catnip in the plastic bag here and became so curious that he tore open the bag. What happened next? Well, obviously the cat slowly began to lose his sense and was unable to move. This crime he had committed involving the “greens” has made him a victim of internet cat shaming. But since the car is too stoned from the catnip, he does not even hold the capability to express how he feels. Just look at all the greenery spilled on the carpet of the house and combine that with the cat’s blank expression. This really makes a hilarious photo. But then again, if the catnip was kept within his reach, then any cat would have done the same right? So who can blame him.


One Paw In Front Of The Other

Every cat owner has experienced this annoying reality. Most cats are too lazy to take those few extra steps to reach the litter box. They end up doing their business right in front of the litter box. If this was a rare occasion then it would not mean all that much but this cat here makes a habit of it, pissing his owner off every day. They say you can train your darling pet to act accordingly but then same cats are born to annoy their owners. They will never learn. So here we have one of those cats, the most annoying kind when it comes to pooping. The owner must be pretty mad every other day when he discovers that his lovely cat does not want to cooperate. Some experts claim that cats who refuse to use their litter box sometimes feel the box is too dirty. Therefore it is the owner’s duty in the end to prepare an acceptable litter box.


The Cheese-Aholic

Have you ever heard of the notion about cats not liking cheese? Well, allow us to introduce you to an exceptional cat that in fact adores cheese. This poor guy was caught when his owner realized he had helped himself with a big bulk of cheddar cheese. So then he got the punishment of being one of the victims of internet cat shaming. But then this photo make you feel sorry for the cat because of how his ears are shaped and how his curved seem to actually grab hold of the owner’s writing. Is he not the most lovable thing you have ever laid your eyes on? But then he ended up trying to eat up the whole card after just a few seconds of staying very still. Hopefully, he learned his lesson and will never repeat his mistake again because he does not want to experience internet shaming again, right?

The Cheese-Aholic

Neighborhood Bully

Everyone in the whole wide world knows that cats and dogs do not get along. It is a tale as old as time. We all know that cats tend to be a little feisty and fierce when they meet dogs. It is clear that they are mortal enemies. This little guy here has proven just that and has made a name for himself. He is now known as the “neighborhood bully” because he has beaten up quite a few dogs in his neighbor. Most of the dogs in this neighborhood now fear this particular cat, and maybe some of their owners too. The hissing, the screeching, and their sharp claws would definitely be enough to frighten a few canines for sure. We know that almost every cat loves to show their mean sides to dogs whenever they can. This cat here has been terrorizing his neighbor dogs for far too long and was punished.

Neighborhood Bully

Butt Licker, Popcorn Tricker

Cats can be very secretive and sly if they want to. We have all met a cat who can enter a room without making any sound or alarm anyone in the room. They just pop up out of nowhere. This cat here tried to make use of that kind of nature by secretly doing something behind her owner’s back. Or so she thought. She was caught by her owner as she was unapologetically licking her own asshole when she thought her owner was not looking her way. Then she went on further by licking her owner’s popcorn right after she licked her bum. If the owner had not caught her, she would have gotten away with doing such a disgusting thing. So let this be a warning to everyone who owns a cat, that they are very sly and sometimes a little foul. So keep and eye on your cat to avoid this kind of incident.

Butt Licker, Popcorn Tricker