Contacting People

The driver tried to find Earl’s address and contact numbers so that he could contact his home and inform them about his situation. The doctors too had started the treatment as soon as he entered the hospital. Every minute was crucial for the old man. The driver somehow managed to contact the family members of Earl in the meantime and told them about the incident.

Rushing To The Hospital

As the family members came to know about his condition, they were panic-stricken and ran towards the hospital. When they reached the hospital, they searched for Earl’s doctor so they could know about his condition. The doctor, however, was waiting for them too. He told them that he had broken his hip because he had lost his balance while he was crossing the street. The doctor was inquisitive about where the old man was going all alone on a wintry morning. Would the family tell him the truth?

Telling The Truth

The family members were looking at each other as they didn’t know what to say. The doctor was confused because they had turned pale and no words were coming out of their mouths. Then Earl’s niece told them the truth, she said: “He told them he was on his way to buy a lottery ticket and he was disappointed that he didn’t get it,”. This statement amazed the staff and the doctor.

Feeling Bad

The family said that the old man had never shown his interest in lottery tickets and they were expecting him to come back from the midway. They were apprehensive that he would seriously buy the lottery ticket, so they didn’t accompany him. Everyone including the hospital staff was feeling bad for the old man and wanted to console him but there was a physician’s assistant, Kristine Trotter who came up with an idea that was surely going to put a smile on the old man’s face. What did she intend to do?

Cheering Him Up

The nurse offered him to go with the staff as they were too going to buy the lottery ticket too. The staff decided to let Earl buy a ticket for the lottery and allowed him to be in the room where the pool would be placed. But there was one condition and that was if his condition got any better. This offer made him happy and he readily accepted the offer.

Staff’s Ticket

The lottery ticket was only for the hospital staff but they allowed Earl to participate in it too. The ticket had a grand prize of $1,000,000 and it would make anybody considerably rich. So before Earl, they had 141 participants and now they had one more making the number 142. Would this make any difference in his condition?