We often face a situation where someone very unexpected comes to the rescue when were are in need of help or assistance. There are some strangers who spare you change while you are buying stuff, random people who help you pick up things you may have dropped or forgotten. Then there are some people who come to the rescue when you are faced with real life threatening situations. If you live in a safe and secure home, you might not know the struggle that people who have experienced home invasions face. How would you feel if you saw masked mysterious men bolting into your home, trying to take everything from you? It would certainly not be a positive feeling. This boy of just 9 years experienced a home invasion but somebody unexpected became his savior…

Meet Shane Shafer

We all know that there comes a point in time where there is a need for parents to leave their kids at home to run a few errands. This is exactly what happened to Shane Share. Even though he is just a nine-year-old, his mother felt that he was old enough and brave enough to be on his own at home for a few minutes. He had to stay home as his mom had work and could not bring him along to all the places she was going to. She needed to get things done by herself that fateful day.

Very Unexpected

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Most parents would be happy to see that their kids are grown enough to handle things at home for a few minutes. It would be nice to see your baby grow old enough to take care of things at home. Shane’s mother did not expect at all that her dear would have to live through something like a home invasion when she decided that he should stay home alone. There was no concern or fear that something bad might happen to her son as he was an obedient boy and because they lived in a safe and friendly neighborhood.

A Nice Locality

You might think that it is highly irresponsible for a mother to leave her 9-year-old at home but she had a very good reason for her action. She did not leave him because she was an irresponsible mother who did not think about how her absence could affect her son. The main reason for leaving him home, beside him being obedient and well-mannered, is that their neighborhood was known to be very peaceful, never having any such bad incidents take place at all…

A Good Boy

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Since Shane is a good boy, his mother was certain that she would not have to worry about the house turning into a wreck after returning home. She just felt that he was now old enough to take care of himself even if she left him to go out for a while. In a neighborhood like theirs, she was certainly right to make him stay home as violence or crime was almost absent. There was little to no record of crime in their area which made her quite confident in leaving little Shane back home.

Running Errands

Like we said, there was something important that Shane’s mother needed to do. She would not have left him home if it were necessary to bring him along. She, like any other housewife, had to run around doing errands so that the whole family and household functions properly. She also had to go and collect Shane’s younger siblings from their school. His mom was in quite a hurry and she also had to take care of some other things that the house needed.

No Suspicions

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While his mother was out doing what needed to be done, there was Shane, all alone in the comfort of his home, expecting nothing to happen at all. He was just minding his own business, sitting there inside the house waiting for his mother to come back home with his other siblings. Then, something happened that Shane nor his mom would have never suspected to happen, something so out of the box that it had never even crossed their minds till that day it actually happened…