True Love
Bonded By Love

Like we had mentioned earlier, as soon as Rocco and Kelly met, there was an instant connection. Rocco was immediately drawn towards Kelly, and as his rightful owner now, Kelly says she cannot imagine going a day without Rocco anymore. “I have never felt this strong of a bond or this much love from any living thing,” she confessed to interviewers. Is this not the cutest bond ever?

By His Side

Image result for kelly rocco pit bull

Since Rocco had clearly been a victim of neglect throughout his life, this victory and justice served was only the beginning of his new journey. Yes, Rocco was indeed clear from any kind of immediate danger however his wound was still far from completely healing. He was going to take a while to get himself fully recovered but there was one thing that’s clear, Kelly would be right by his side.

Rocco’s Recovery
Slow Recovery

Since Rocco’s injury was not just a minor cut, it was going to take a long time to heal. The doctors told her that it was going to take over two months for Rocco’s injury fully heal. Only then it would be enough for Rocco’s cut to be closed. So the main duty and work for Kelly were to keep the bandages clean. She needed to keep the injury from being ever infected again.

In The End

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And as we can all guess, the process for his recovery would indeed be a painful one for Rocco the dog. It was going be a lot of work for poor Kelly, but since she loved her new dog so much, she did not have any second thoughts about caring for him. She was willing to do anything for the poor dog who had been traumatized and abused by two of his old keepers. In the end, the hard work and effort paid off.

For The Animals

So since Kelly was such a loving mother for Rocco, he had a speedy recovery and was soon fit to get the surgery that he needed. His recovery was indeed a successful one without much issue. They were finally able to let go of Rocco’s horrid past, a life that was filled with hurt and ignorance. The two of them were now ready to embark upon this new journey together happily.

A Reminder

A Voice For The Animals

So since a year passed after Kelly adopted Rocco, the lovable pit bull still has a scar on his chest. Despite all this, the charming dog Rocco is happy and shows Kelly how much he loves her every day. The two could not be happier to find each other. They are both lucky to have found one another. Kelly will always be reminded that animals need to be fought for every time she sees Rocco’s scars.

Here are some examples of abused and neglected dogs that prove that sometimes, we need to take action and make that change for animals who need us…