Pets are like family. There is no doubt in the world that a pet loves his or her owners more than anything. Some even say that a pet’s love is the only thing close to an unconditional love. So when this woman adopted her dog, she was ready to take full responsibility for the dog. She was ready to care for the dog, feed the dog and love the dog. But in a matter of time, she began to realize that there was something off with the dog. Upon further investigation, she realized that this dog was not an ordinary dog at all…

What Has She Done?
What Did She Get Herself Into?

For a dog lover, what could be more thrilling than owning one yourself? It would be one of the best days ever for anyone who has a strong connection to dogs. So when the time came for Kelly to pick up the dog she had adopted, it was clear that it was a moment she would never forget. She was certain that this dog she had chosen was the one meant for her. She was ready to give him all that he needed or wanted.

Making A Call

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Normally, the day one gets to take home a dog should be on full of celebration and joy, right? However, this would not prove to be so for poor Kelly. When she finally got her new dog to sit on the inside of her car, she could tell that something was not quite right. She was not exactly sure what was off but she could sense it. So since Kelly could not just shrug this off, she decided to make a call to the cops.

The Dog For Her
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If you love something, more can never be enough. This was the case for Kelly too. So even though Kelly already owned a dog named Brewer, she knew for sure that she still had the capability to take one more under her care. So she decided that it was only right to get herself another one. But Kelly was the type of person who absolutely refused to buy a dog. She wanted to help a dog in need and not just purchase one.

Rocco The Pit Bull

The Perfect Dog

Kelly has been eyeing a few dogs and lucky for her, she was able to find the right dog for her. It had been quite some time Kelly had been on the lookout for the perfect dog for herself. She was very happy when she saw a white pit bull mix called Rocco. She was sure that this was the dog she was meant to keep. Kelly did not waste a moment and proceeded with the adoption. She could barely wait to get him home.

On Sale
For Sale

Where do you think Kelly got to find out about the perfect dog for her? Well, it was quite a non-conventional way that Kelly to look for a new pup. She was actually scrolling through Facebook when she stumbled upon a photo of Rocco. He had been kept there on sale for just $50 by the roommate of Rocco’s previous owner. Hence Kelly had never communicated with Rocco’s previous owner at all.

Making An Offer

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Like we had mentioned earlier, Kelly was straight away filled with the need to take Rocco in as her new dog. Kelly was sure from the first moment she laid eyes on him that Rocco was meant to be hers. Since she could not directly talk to the previous owner of the pup, she did not pay much attention to that fact. She then offered to pay for the dog of her dreams, waiting patiently for a response.