A Flashback

The private investigator’s statement paused Gayle’s world right away. It immediately took her back in time, in the years she used to be a carefree girl. Seemed like a long time back, so much that she couldn’t even remember all of it. She just had memories of her teenage in bits and pieces. But did she have any memory of having a baby at all?

Teenage Years

Gayle was rethinking about the year 1985 and the first thought crossed her mind was how young she was and how much she hesitated in striking up a conversation, especially with her high school crush. A 17-year-old girl who was still a virgin and slept with someone for the first time in the later years. Then how can she give birth to a son in 1985?

No Pieces Connecting

Gayle’s first time happened in the year 1986 and that too didn’t make her pregnant. She didn’t have an unwanted or unexpected pregnancy. So, what was this investigator talking about? How could he ask a question so bluntly without being sure about it?

Nervous Consideration

To say the least, Gayle was stunned. So far, she thought she knew herself the most and now this private investigator’s questions changed everything for her. He sounded so certain with his information that Gayle started to doubt her own memory. 

Forgetting A Pregnancy

Gayle Brandeis Story

Was it possible that she had forgotten the entire 9 months of her pregnancy? Was it possible that everyone around her knew it but her? Does it all sound too much to you? Well, Gayle had a valid reason to doubt herself.

Delusional Mother

Gayle had seen her mother turn delusional. She always feared she would end up like her. Ever since the private investigator contacted her, Gayle started to doubt herself as she was scared she might have inherited her mother’s insane nature, but did she?