A Bigger Truck

After he was done laying the foundation of his construction, Wayne quickly went on to the next move. He had to find a way to get the shipping container to reach his property. We all know how large the shipping container is so this was going to be quite the challenge. Wayne ended up hiring a septic company to make use of their truck and crane so that the container could be placed in the hole.

Not Even A Professional

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So, so far, Wayne had finished the fundamental steps of his work. He had dug up a huge hole and laid a foundation. He also managed to get a shipping container that was the perfect size and cost for him. So judging from all these, can you pick a guess of what his project is? The end result will truly blow your mind! Since Wayne is not a professional builder, his achievement is truly commendable.

What Was It?

So since this is an underground project, one can only guess if this is he building a bunker or not…  So after getting a crane and a truck to get the container into the hole, Wayne had a very important task to pull off. He needed to get about 2-feet of space around each side. What for you ask? Well, this was needed so that he could still finish up with the work that needed to be done on the container.

Wait And Watch

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Since the construction was going very well, Wayne was as determined as ever to finish the job. His ambitious spirit took over him and the progress was quite quick. So from what you have seen and read, we’re sure you must have guessed what Wayne is constructing. He had finished with the basics and was not getting ready to do more. Wait till you see what comes out in the end…

Installing A Sump Pump

The next thing that the construction needed was for a sump pump to be installed. This was in order for Wayne to maintain that the container remained above the water line. It really called for a lot of planning and precision for this project to be successful. Sump pumps are usually found in basements and make sure that water does not clog up and cause floods in an underground structure.

Good Thinking

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There was one thing that Wayne really found important. It was the fact that he wanted to ensure that his project did not turn out to get waterlogged one day. He was very careful about this and wanted nothing but the perfect execution for this site. He did not want to waste all his efforts and money and then lose it all just like that. Very good thinking indeed!