What Is It?

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This diagnosis was something new as the mother and daughter had never heard of it before. Since they had never heard of it before, they were going to have to educate themselves about Yasmin’s condition. For her to get better, they would need to give her proper medication and treatment. They were wondering what will become of Yasmin. Was there a cure and would she be able to live an ordinary life?

Yasmin’s Reality

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After looking for answers, Yasmin was relieved that she finally found the proper diagnosis for her condition. Yasmin did some research and was learning about the medical condition she was living with. It turned out, her condition, Idiopathic pulmonary arterial hypertension was something that could exhaust anymore doing even a silly amount of work. She would have to live with the complications of short breath her whole life.

Another Problem

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This was hampering the progress that she had made in her career. She obviously had to take a few time off as she could not risk tiring herself, even slightly. She then took about six months off from her work to get proper medication and deal with her diagnosis. She was taking the necessary measure but there was another fear of hers she had because of the lung disorder.

The Facts
The Facts

There was something quite remarkable that Yasmin had achieved unintentionally that really surprised the doctors. If a person was born with her condition, Idiopathic pulmonary arterial hypertension, they mostly have a life expectancy of up to 17 years. But now at 19 years of age, Yasmin was surpassing all of her doctor’s expectations. It was indeed a unique case.

Life As A Teen

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Yasmin informed the interviewers about how strangely wonderful her case had been, “The diagnosis was a relief at first, but now it’s just difficult to live with. Now I’m on medication it’s more manageable, I’ve actually had a pump fitted now which I have to take my medication though, it’s permanently attached to me.” To live her life like a normal teenage girl was going to be difficult for poor Yasmin.

Quick To Judge
Quick To Judge

And so, going back to that night when she received the note from a stranger at the parking lot, Yasmin was very hurt. The stranger’s note on her windshield was something that really made her feel awful. The blue badge that enabled her to park in a disabled spot was clearly visible. However, the stranger obviously decided to judge her based on her looks since she seemed well and fine.