Taken Away?

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Marina’s head was puzzled and very confused, trying to comprehend what had just happened. She was there laying on the jungle floor, confused as to how she was supposed to go on. Remember, she was just about to turn 5 years of age. She kept thinking to herself that her parents might have sent her away and it was truly something that consumed her thoughts.

Blaming Her Folks
lost in jungle

Little Marina was very disturbed by the fate that she had to live with. She kept wondering if her mother and father had gotten mad at her. She was having a guilty conscience that she had eaten so many peas form the vegetable garden and that her mom had ordered for her to be taken away. But soon she was about to realize that this was not the case at all…

So What Next?


Marina’s first instinct was for her to try and return to her family. At the same time, Marina was afraid that her parents might have sent someone to come and look for her so it might have been wiser to stay still. In the end, she decided to look for signs of civilization that quickly led to her being lost. Since she did not know how to find her way back to the place she was first located, she cried as the day came to a close…

Monkey Mayhem


Marina could not wait for the night to end so that the sun would come once more. By the time morning came, she recalled that there were monkeys everywhere around her. She was just a 5 year old so she could only count to 10. Marina recalls that there were more than 10 monkeys that came next to her that morning. She revealed that the monkeys were differently shaped and sized but that they all looked similar. Marina was not sure if they were trustworthy if they were her friends or not…

Her Family?


As she did not know if she could trust the monkeys, Marina was very jealous of them. She was envious of the monkeys because they were so close to each other and they seemed like a big happy family. She was away from hers so it made her want to be like them so much more. One of the monkeys then became extra curious and started getting close to Marina. Marina was bracing herself for the worst when the monkey approached her.

A Closer Look

marina - raised by monkeys

The monkey moved in very close to Marina, almost at an arm’s reach. The monkey then shoved Marina over on her side. She did not stir and was afraid of what was about to happen next. The monkey then went back to his group losing interest in the strange girl. The monkeys started playing together and gave Marina no attention. She felt ignored and wished to be a part of their group. So was she ever going to be given a chance?