St. Bernard

adotta-un-amico-a-4-zampeThese dogs from Swiss Alps have a peculiar habit of drooling and shedding a lot. Known for their loyalty, they are very big in size and can weigh up to 260 pounds. They have a lifespan of 8-10 years and are of very peaceful nature. They need a little care as they have a super thick layer of fur around them. They are so loyal that they were used to rescue hikers.

Rough Collie

multi-6Just by seeing this picture, you can witness how majestic this dog is. Hailing from Scotland, these can be seen in shades of sable, merles or tri-colored. They are used for herding and can weigh up to 40-65 pounds. They have a relatively higher lifespan than most breeds which is 14-16 years. They are one of the most loyal, gentle and active dogs. They possess very long hairs.


britA breed of true athletic nature. Weighing around 30-40 pounds with a lifespan of up to 15 years, these dogs can be perfect for you if you too love to run. Hailing from France, initially, they were used for hunting birds and are known for their high alertness. As I have told before these dogs are at their best when you give them space to play and run around.

American Staffordshire Terrier

anh-6_1483184279933These dogs are a fighter I mean literally, they were bred to fight other dogs and their core strength helps them to do so. Belonging to the pit bull family this dog is also called Stafford or Amstaff. Weighing around 62-88 pounds these dogs have a lifespan of 10 to 12 years. Besides the fact that they are forceful they are known to be very loyal and friendly. They have a medium sized fur all over their body.


MastiffFrom being a terrifying war dog to a peaceful and loving species this dog has transformed a lot. They are huge in size and have intimidating looks. Weighing around 120 to 130 pounds these dogs can live up to 10 to 12 years. It hails from England and is easily confused for the Great Dane and other mountain dogs.

Labrador Retriever

labrador-retriever-dog-pictures-7If there’s a People’s Choice Award to vote for their favorite dog, then surely this dog would win it. With its origin in Canada, this dog can weigh up to 55-79 pounds. They are known for their friendly nature, loyalty and outgoing attitude. They are very intelligent and act as an assistant for disabled people. They can live up to 12 to 13 years and are very popular in the United Kingdom and the USA. They are originally hunting dogs.