Not To Worry

Erik did not want his wife to worry because she was going to have to be apart with their kids for some time when she goes to Germany. But he reassured her that he had everything under control and that she should just enjoy her time there. “So you fly to Germany tomorrow morning at 3 a.m.,” he went on, “and I’m gonna watch the kids.”

A Few Tears Shed

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For a loving mother, it would certainly be a little terrifying to have to leave her kids behind to go to a foreign country. Any concerned parent would worry about how their kids would be when they cannot take care of them. Brittany’s tears began to well up after realizing that she was going to have to be away from her family soon.

A Special Gift Indeed

It was not a surprise to see that Erik’s big secret proved to be a successful one. Brittany was overjoyed to be able to travel to a land she had never been before. It was truly sweet and considerate of him to spend time planning and perfecting a gift for his efficient wife to be able to enjoy Germany. The surprise he managed to give her was indeed special.

A Necessity

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We can all relate to the fact that life gets hard sometimes, that things do not go our own way. But during these trying times, it’s crucial to be able to do something like this for a loved one.  Erik had wanted to give his wife something she needed after all the hard work and sacrifices she has given for her family. Do you think you could do the same for your partner?