Weighing His Options

Plotting A Course

Now, Kilkus knew that if he piloted his drone very close to the hole he might end up losing it altogether and it won’t do anyone any good. He could not have taken the drone inside the hole for the same reason. The only other option he had was to go swimming near it but he did not know what it was. It could have been dangerous; what if the hole suctioned Evan towards itself? Then how was Evan going to go exploring the inside of this huge hole? Eventually, he did come up with an idea and the reality of the hole stunned him.

Droning Just Once More

Before doing anything else, Kilkus decided to do one last inspection of the hole via his drone; explore the lake from all possible angles. He decided to fly the drone by the perimeter to take into account everything and if possible, peek inside the hole. He was not completely prepared for the task he was undertaking though. Nothing could have prepared him for what was coming and he questioned his decision of undertaking this ‘adventure’ when he realized where the hole led.

Getting Nearer

Evan was not far from discovering the truth of the hole in the Lake Berryessa, he just could not have fathomed what it was. Honestly, neither could we. His undertaking was larger than what he could have managed alone and the truth of it all was about to stun him. He had been living in the drought-stricken California for a long time now, not only he but all the residents of California had been suffering from it. 

The Drought Reign

The city of California has been having a dry bout for the last ten years. Everything in nature has suffered from this calamity which includes the Lake Berryessa too. The water level of the lake has gone down drastically. The sight was almost overwhelming as it was a lake that was always brimming with water. The site could almost depress someone who had seen the lake’s bluer days. 

Restoration Hope Abandoned

The hope of the restoration of this magnificent lake had been abandoned almost by all. The water levels had gone so low that the Lake could be called barren. But it did rain finally and when it did something mind-blowing happened. How is it all linked to the hole in the Lake? Evan soon found out and he was as surprised as we were when we saw the video posted ahead.

Raining Cats And Dogs

It had been dry for almost a decade and when it did rain it showered blessing. This was like a long overdue gift that California finally received. Another gift followed which was first discovered by Kilkus.

The hole which from the drone Kilkus could gather was 72 feet wide (which is humungous by the way) popped up. But from where? And how? It attracted not just Kilkus but others too.