Angry and Distraught

He had a lot of comments on the video as well. An upset viewer left a comment saying, “Your video and art made me first sick to my stomach and then made me so angry. How can you call yourself an artist? Is murder an art?”

Still Not Finished

One comment went, “You think so, obviously. Guess you never grew out of your childish need to kill animals, insects and who knows what else, in order to feel powerful. These are innocent creatures with amazing colonies which took them who knows how long to build.”

An Impassioned Response

So many people felt that this was a cruel way to treat these innocent insects. This “art” was killing so many ants and people felt it was unfair and unjust to do so. Do you think the artist is wrong to take advantage of these ant’s homes to popularize his ‘art’?

Defending His Art

So the artist finally answered back after reading these comments. The artist claims that these ant hills he used were home to fire ants whose bites were harmful. The authorities were actually working towards killing these ants due to their painful bites that caused many people problems. He was just working towards this.

Taking Responsibility

He remained silent for a while but soon after, he gave out a statement. “I try to find abandoned nests but it doesn’t always work out. Either way, I do it sparingly and the property is still overrun with them,” the artist had explained on a post online.

Insect Conservation Approval

Paul Hetherington, who is a spokesperson for the insect conservation organization Buglife actually agrees with the artist on this issue. Paul had said that the artist is doing a good job in raising awareness of how amazing these ants are at building their colonies. He supports him as long as they are abandoned hills.