Stunning Art Revealed

Don’t rub your eyes, the structure you see in the image is completely real and yes, a result of the process described previously. After this video was released, people became curious to know about the man behind this and later came to know that the artist who had uploaded the video named “Anthill Art” was a professional in casting ant hills in aluminum. The structure helps the people to witness something truly amazing and also giving them an awareness of the crafty and intricate network of ant colonies on the inside. This helps us to know a lot about ants especially, the way they live in huge groups.

A Complex System

People having detailed knowledge about ants state that the network which they form while residing underground is extremely complex. The thing which makes the nest formed by ants intricate are the tunnels that reach to the depths of the ground and consist of multiple levels. You can get an idea of the highly systematic way ants live in these colonies from the fact that each one has a particular duty to do while taking care and maintaining the nest they are assigned.

The Miraculous Process

The final structure truly shows that the molten aluminum poured on top of the hill makes way through each and every channel ultimately reaching the chambers. It is after the metal gets cooled that the artist is able to present before us the thing you can see in the image. Seeing the accurate way these casts depict the channels in an ant hill they have become quite useful for teaching students the meticulousness with which ants live underground. Obviously, the reason for the structure being of the color you can see in the image is the aluminum metal poured earlier.

Large And In Charge

This structure is in total contradiction to the belief that ant hills are small held by some people. They judge its size from the piece they saw above the ground unaware of the fact that the entire structure is way bigger than that, reaching through the depths of the earth. The name of the part sprouting above the ground is “foyer”. In a video uploaded in 2003 showing a similar cast, the height of the ant hill was 18 inches and weighed around 18 pounds. Now, this would have surely come as a surprise to you.

Breathtakingly Beautiful

People who viewed the video were amazing to see the sight of the completely transformed ant hill. The image you see is of the same ant hill that featured in the video. A view count of over 7 million proves the fact that this art has gained immense popularity among the people and has ignited curiosity towards the lifestyle of one of the smallest creatures, ants. Till date, the video has received more than 94 million views!! Well, this is insane and shows that the artist has taken the internet by storm due to his unique and spectacular art. But, things have not been totally well for him, as a section of people has also criticized him a lot. But, why?

Controversy Begins

As already told, people from worldwide were mesmerized to see the piece of art which is evident from the number of views the video received on YouTube. But, apart from fans, there were other people who raised a voice of criticism towards the artist and his methods of creating Anthill Art. The primary reason for this being that they considered it inhumane on someone’s part to pour molten aluminum into an anthill where living ants are present as it would kill them in the cruelest of ways. No doubt, these people had a logical point to make and were not backing down to make others realize this do. The level of anger among them towards the artist was soaring high. So, did this artist stop?