Hydroponics Theory Shot Down

Hydroponics Theory Shot Down
PoolBoysTX12 also added, “I would be surprised if you researched your address with police records and didn’t see a drug case. Good luck…” This theory of this room being a drug den seemed to have excited a lot of people. We think there must be something really fascinating about a hydroponic grow room. But then cyrex686 wrote “But it never was.” and so everyone was back to block one.


StumpedPeople were now completely stumped so far all the theories about this being used for fornicating with animals, illegally growing marijuana, secret torture chamber used by serial killers or playing hide and seek had been debunked. While the room had nothing to do with hydroponics but it did involve water. some even suggested this place to be a septic tank. though they were close, no one could guess what it was exactly.

Chemical Storage Theory

Chemical Storage TheoryFollowing all the speculation cryrex686 decided to post his own theory on the matter. Since he was the one who was actually inside the room and got to walk around the place, even inspect it as evident from the video. It would be fair to trust his judgment on the matter. He wrote, “I think it was for liquid chemical storage. There are hookups on the outside next to the rail spur line used to supply the factory that was here before.”

A Water Cistern

A Water CisternWe shouldn’t forget here that this building was indeed a 100 years old industrial property before it had been repurposed for commercial industrial units. So it was quite possible that the room was used for storage at one point. Several commenters backed this theory as well. However, though, it probably wasn’t used to store waste or chemical, it was more likely a part of some water harvesting setup.

Old Technology Vs. New

Old Technology Vs. NewIn order for the water to get inside the cistern, a web of gutters and downspouts needed to be raised to direct the rainwater from the roof straight into the storage area. As a cistern is normally built underground, or as in this case, in a hidden room. The cistern cyrex686 discovered could even be repaired and put to use once again.

Another Secret Room

Another Secret RoomWhile for obvious reasons cyrex686 decided not to perform any repairs on this cistern, he also couldn’t just leave the room in its current condition. So he decided to introduce some changes to the place and even shared that information with all of his youtube community. He responded to one of the commenters, “It’s been a few years since I made this video. I found another secret room next to the original secret room. I was thinking of showing what I’ve done with the room since then… And the secret passageway, I found, which I’ve not gotten into yet, but found the entrance.”