Miraculous Survival

The 17 years old, Juliane Koepcke just survived a mid-air plane crash. However, she was caught in the middle of the forest and with no supplies. She didn’t even have her specs on and being a short-sighted person, she could barely see. Her clothes were all wet and torn from places. She was in a place known for its snakes and other wild animals. How in the world was she going to make it?

The Hardest Search

For the entire day, she kept searching for her mother. Everywhere she went she shouted at the loudest pitch but there was no response. And the biggest issue was that she was without glasses and couldn’t see anything that was far away. In a place that is populated with wild animals, how did she even manage to keep walking further?

Pushing Forward

She threw her shoe in the direction she was moving to scare away any snakes or poisonous spiders that she might step on otherwise. Slowly, but this way she was at least able to walk even when she wasn’t sure of what lay ahead of her. But did she find her mother?

Bitter Truth

After looking around for mother for more than a day, reality hit her hard and forced Juliane to eventually give up. The reality that her mother was maybe no more struck her. This prepared her with the fact that she was all by her own there. This is what trauma does to the functioning of our brains. She just had one thing to do, ie, survive.

Prepared For The Worst

Juliane was different from regular girls. Her parents took her to the forests many times. During those times, when they used to work, Juliane used to get training related to survival techniques. A couple of years before this horrible crash, she spent months with her family at a research station that was located 30 miles away from the place where she was wandering then.

Without A Tool

Juliane wasn’t even carrying a pocketknife or a lighter. This meant neither could she build a shelter nor could she send any smoke signals. A knife can be so helpful as she could have cut off the palm trees and ate sugar. Sadly, she was wearing a mini skirt and cut sleeves top that made her exposed to all sorts of insects.