A Happy Cat

As one can imagine Elsa is indeed a happy and a really healthy kitten who no longer has to brave the harsh weather outside. The days of her fighting every moment to survive are behind her and all she needs to do now is enjoy the loving company of her new owner and give him lots of cuddles.

It Was A Miracle

Without a doubt this new life of Elsa is awesome! It is a testimony that miracles can happen anytime and to anyone. Though some might chalk it up to chance like it was only because the teacher found the cat in due time or he noticed her paw at the correct moment that this cat is now alive. Whatever may be the case, this story truly is inspiring.

Call it Fate

You are of course free to call it fate, or whatever name you feel comfortable calling it. But it was just meant to be for Elsa to be rescued by this amazing human. Elsa is safe here, she gets her food on time, she is safe from any predator and has a loving family what more can a cat ask for!

Winter is Harsh

From this story we too should learn, we should be aware of we have any stray cats or dogs in our neighborhood, and not only this, we should look out for them as well. These animals can’t always take care of themselves and for the rare occasions they do need our help, we should be ever present to help them in any way possible.

Search for Shelters in Your Town

If you’re are blessed with the ability to take care you should always but that blessing to good use. And if you are not, there are plenty of shelters which will be happy to help any animal in need. So by bringing them to a shelter at least, you would know that you have indeed done the humane thing.

Cat Stuck in an Icy Puddle

This poor little kitty was caught in an icy puddle and from the looks of it, it is quite clear that she is hopelessly trapped. When a couple saw this poor helpless thing stuck they could bring themselves to walk away, so they decided to find a solution to get this poor thing back to safety.