Securing The Area

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Before they could get into any action, AngryAussie wanted to make sure that the area was secured. AngryAussie went around the garage to make sure that no one was looking and people didn’t take them to be thieves planning to pick a car.

Clear Coast

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While they were not doing anything illegal, it would have looked different for a security guard looking at them carrying out the mission. They would have landed in serious trouble if spotted and the person who had caused so many problems could have got the chance to sue them. 

A Tough Job

Image result for pushing a car

It was a two-ton car that gave them a tough time moving it around. It seemed to be as stubborn as its owner. But the seven of them, as fast as they could start to move the car to the place where they could park it. 

A Dark Corner

Image result for dark parking

They kept moving it towards a distant, deep and dark corner where AngryAussie has asked them to. As they came close where they had to park it, AngryAussie’s plan became quite apparent. They knew where they were heading to and how bad it would be for the other driver. 

Tit For Tat

The spot that he had chosen for parking the interrupting car was in the corner of the garage. A place where the car would fit easily but we can’t say anything about getting it out of there. This was his perfect revenge and things could not have been better for AngryAussie and worse for the other driver. 

Sweet Revenge

The car was finally moved to the position where they wanted it to be. The funny thing was that the driver would easily get in and out of the car but moving it around would be another matter. The only thing that could get him out of there would be the tool that placed the car over there.