Life Lessons

And so, the reason behind Bobby being so helpful and generous was all for a good reason. He was trying to set an example to a very special person in his life. He had even revealed to Edith who that special person is. Well, Bobby has a little nephew whom he wanted to show what being a good person is all about. He needed to set an example to him through his actions.

A Lesson So Valuable

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Bobby had always felt responsible to be a good role model and guide for his darling nephew. He loved him with all his heart so he tried everything he possibly could to make sure he grew up to be a good human being. And Edith coming in his life was a good way to prove that he was not just about preaching it, that he also practiced it. This is a golden lesson not everyone gets to learn.

Money For Bobby

There was one more thing that Bobby thought to be truly important in life. He is a firm believer that money is not what life solely about. He knows for a fact that no matter how much money one has, they are not guaranteed happiness. Bobby also makes sure that his actions show what he speaks about. If he was lying, he could have easily taken the ATM money.

The Entire Town

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And you would think the story stops there but no. It continues and in fact, grow even bigger. So if you thought the story was going to stop here, you are wrong. The story was so touching that the whole town found out about Bobby’s gesture and very soon they decided to do something amazing for the commendable guy. He really did deserve some credit and appreciation.

Chipping In

Since Bobby had not only given Edith her lost money back, he gave her some more! So surely this made anyone who ever heard about their story smile. So in just a few days, the entire town started discussing how amazing Bobby’s actions were. So the locals quickly started chipping in with small donations to try and help Edith pay for her bills. Then, something shocking happened once more…

Even The Bank Manager

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Since the whole town was so touched and inspired by Bobby and Edith’s story. They decided to donated money in order to help the old lady with her financial woes. The locals all agreed to pitch in some cash for the lady in need. And something even better happened because even the bank manager joined in and donated some money as well!