The story you are about to read is a truly inspiring man who has sacrificed all that he had for a righteous cause. He saw that G0d Almighty had helped him in the time of need which was truly incredible.

Crisis In Philadelphia

The biggest city in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania is Philadelphia. It is also the sixth most populated city in the United States. Due to its rich history, this city suffers from a very tragic issue: youth homelessness. If you check the reports in the Office of Homeless Services, on an average close to 600 Philadelphians aged 13 to 25 are sadly, homeless. Meet Jones, he is a 29 man who has the kindest heart. He decided to dedicate his time to give free haircuts to all the homeless locals inside the city. He had a former job as a wardrobe stylist and a barber. This year interestingly he vested his time driving around with his ” personal mobile salon.”