The First Decision

For a while, he has been thinking about buying a car for himself and for some reason it was getting delayed. Sometimes it was some pending bills and sometimes it was you know, money just flow out of your hand. After all the waiting he found the perfect opportunity and he grasped it. You might have heard the saying, opportunity knocks only once, and by looking at the events happened to him, we think he took this saying very seriously. He bought the car and became the luckiest guy on the planet. After discovering what was inside the car he was amazed and you’ll be too.He wasn’t the kind of a man who rushes into things, he made sure to take all the time in the world before he settles on his decision. So he found a perfect place to buy his car from.

All The Kinds Of Stuffs

The auction has all sort of things that are put on auction, from retired police equipment and accessories to used police cars. According to the data, over 300 treasury auctions take place every year in the United States alone. Because the auction is done by a professional, they even grade the stuff from brand new to used ones. They also mark the stuff if its faulty or have some issues with it. What a nice auction, right?

He Made The Decision

He was very confident about the auction. His instincts were telling him that it’ll be a life-changing decision but this big, he wasn’t ready for that. We, normal people with normal lives and normal earnings don’t ask for big things in life and even he didn’t. Well, it is the unexpected turns of events. Life puts you in a right place at right time. All of this gives us hope and we trust the process that is life again.

The Small Black Bag

He remembered some incidents that happened with people who also found some mysterious bag inside a second-hand car. And the weight of the bag was making him really suspicious and he was really scared now. He made the decision and unzipped the chain of the bag. He couldn’t believe his eyes.

The Oxygen Of Life

After opening the bag he found seven stacks that contained few letters and there were numbers written over them. He opened the first stack from the seven he found and to his surprise, he found $10 bills inside it. He was amazed by the discovery.