Calm And Collected Still

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Bethany had just lived through something that we only get to see on movie screens. She had actually survived a shark attack! In fact, the shark had torn through her left arm! It was indeed a shock to see that Bethany was maintaining her calm despite her horrific ordeal. Even her surfboard was a victim of the attack where 16 inches had been chomped.

Calling For Help
bethany hamilton shark attack

When the attacker fled the scene, Bethany called out to her pals so that they could help her. She was even paddling towards them despite her condition! Alana and her brother and dad hurried to get Bethany safe to shore as quickly as possible. There was a fear that this scene would attract another shark attack and they could not risk that possibility.

Incredible Strength

bethany hamilton beach

When Bethany was rushed to the shore by her friends, she then started to feel an intense amount of pain on the left side of her body. She was determined not to be consumed by the pain and was having a silent prayer so that she could make it through this. Alana’s dad needed to stop the bleeding so he made use of a urethane leash and a T-shirt to create a makeshift tourniquet. His quick thinking was truly a crucial necessity at that moment.

Across Kauai

surfboard surfer bethany hamilton kauai

Bethany Hamilton soon passed out as they needed to wait for the ambulance to reach the place they were staying. About one hour or more would be needed for them to reach the nearest hospital called the Wilcox Medical Center which was located on the east side of the island. It helped Bethany a lot to know that her best friend was there right next to her all along. And Kauai being a small town, Bethany and co,found someone familiar.

Reaching The Hospital

bethany hamilton wilcox medical center hospital kauai hawaii surfing shark attack

Tom, Bethany’s father was actually there at the hospital when they reached. He was there that morning because he had a scheduled knee surgery from an injury before. After the medics saw Bethany, it was clear she needed to be operated first. Doctors had to reschedule Tom’s knee surgery upon seeing the condition his daughter was in. They wheeled her into the emergency room straight away and took action. Everyone was hoping and praying that she would make it through…

Her Survival

hawaii kauai wilcox medical center hospital bethany hamilton surfer surfing shark attack

Bethany Hamilton had lived through the horrible shark attack that Friday morning. We should remember that it takes determination and courage to be able to stand above and heal from such a life-threatening incident like this. When we lose 20% of the blood our body goes into shock. Bethany had lost 60% of her blood which clearly means that she was an inch away from losing her whole life altogether. Alana’s dad’s tourniquet was something that helped a lot in preserving Bethany’s life.  So what about the shark?