What do we usually do at the beach? Well, the beach is a place where we usually go to enjoy some sun, water and recreation. The beach is usually filled with people who want to spend time for themselves, away from any issues or work they wish to run away from. It would be a dream to live near the shore but then the insurance costs are way too high. But anyhow, what could be better than spending time at the beach, when all you have to do is play in the waves or build sandcastles or just work on your tan-lines? But there have been a few incidents where the beach goers have discovered very out-of-the-ordinary stuff while at the beach. Must you automatically think these weird discoveries would amount to typical ocean related stuff like seashells or fishes right? This list is actually going to blow your mind because some of the items that these people have found at the beach are unbelievable items like fresh food and weird creatures. Just check them out for yourselves!

Trunko The Blob

If you ever find yourself at the beach, what would you do if you saw something that does not look like anything you have ever seen or heard of? It would totally creep us out, wouldn’t it? Well, this blob here unexpectedly washed up on the shore and was definitely shocking to everyone present at the beach. It was given the name “Trunko” by the people during that time. It somehow resembles those scary creatures that lurk the shores in horror movie trailers. This old white blob was discovered way back in 1924 after it washed up on the shore. This is probably the first ever blob to have been recorded with a photograph in history! Trunko actually washed up on the shores of Margate, in the country of South Africa. Obviously, it made headlines everywhere and was titled “Fish Like a Polar Bear.” It was present at the beach for over 10 days but during then nobody had the courage or curiosity to examine Trunko.

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The English Fish

They often say that we have not even unearthed the vast majority of what is in the deep oceans. This might be true as this unique fish washed up on the shores Of England. If you are not a fan of fishes, this fish will surely make you all the more freaked out. It really does look very alien-like. It was called the “English Fish,” because it was found in England. Some could even argue that this fish might be the last remaining fish of a prehistoric species. It was found on the beach of Canvey Island, England in the year 1953. Because of its physical features, the fish sparked up a few arguments. There were some people who believed that the fish was an anglerfish, but then it also had horseshoe-like feet. In the end, National Rivers Authority confirmed that this fish was from an undiscovered species. So we can confirm that there are so many mysterious creatures on earth that Google search cannot help us with.

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Is It A Reptile? Is It A Fish?

Since the ocean has a web of many different species of fish, we cannot say that we as humans have discovered all of the types of fish underwater. It is too vast and way too deep for humans to enter the deepest depths of the sea. Hence, there is still a lot of things left to be uncovered in the sea and we can only hope that we learn more and more in due time. The things that wash up on the shore are still very mysterious to us, including this giant fish right here. This creature was found on the shores of South Carolina and has the characteristics of both fish and reptile. So obviously, when it was discovered in South Carolina, the public had so much to say about it. Soon, the creature was given for examination. It was then revealed that it was in fact, the carcass of a humongous sturgeon native to North America!


The Dinosaur Turtle

Are you a fan of ‘Jurassic Park’? Then this next case would certainly entertain you. For those who are not huge fans of dinosaurs, we have a very disappointing news to break to you. The next creature here is certainly worth having nightmares about because of how scary it looks. This animal is given the name the “Dinosaur Turtle”. Judging from its look, it is not surprising that its name has been given like that. It is a combination of some kind of turtle and some parts of a dinosaur that has come from the prehistoric era! Many people were not convinced that this animal was for real and was absolutely stunned to find out that it is, in fact, a real turtle! This creature was first discovered in Russia and was soon found to be an “alligator snapping turtle.” This turtle is the heaviest freshwater turtle in the world!


Alien Fish

If you think about it, most of the fish we regularly see is very appealing. They are usually of the same appearance and most of them aren’t all that creepy looking. You can even say that g0d may have kept all the ugly fishes in the deep ends of the ocean where a man cannot ever explore. Since this is a list of mysterious things that have washed up on the shore, you would assume that many oceanic creatures would make that list, but this fish is just one among the very few. The unattractive fish was actually found on the shores of Sao Paolo in Brazil. And yes it does resemble a Long Nose Batfish… except its not. No one can say for sure where and how this fish came about but it did spur up loads of questions. Just look at the fish, does it even look like a fish? It looks like a frog and a fish combined- a frosh?
