The Fox Rests Up

While the lions feasted, the injured fox was resting, gathering up the energy to reach his pack and then recover with its own kind. The lioness, even while eating, kept an eye on the fox, making sure it was alright.

The Recovery

As miraculous as the events unfolding were, the fox also started to miraculously muster up energy. Enough to get up on its legs and walk a little bit. The Lions didn’t leave its side even then. They watched over the injured fellow.

 The Jackals Attack

While the lions were busy eating, the fox was left vulnerable and seeing the immobile fox, two jackals attacked. However, the lioness’ vigilance saved the fox’s life. She roared when she spotted the jackals and the scavengers had to flee.

The Fox Lives

The fox then mustered up all the energy it had and dragged itself to a patch of grass where he would be hidden from the eyes of hungry predators. After all the injured fox was an easy prey. The grass provided cover and gave the fox time to rest and recuperate.

The Lions Move On

Now that the fox was away from harm and seeing the sunset, the family of lions decided it was time to go back home. Seeing that the fox would live and was properly hidden, the lioness gathered her cubs and set on her way back home.

The Fox Runs Home

After the lions had left, the fox rested, regained its capability to walk again, and was seen walking away. The little creature would return home and recover, surrounded by its pack and family.