Finding The Truth

They were now thinking about how to find out what was wrong, no matter how much they tried to avoid but still, they were afraid that Michael might have got trapped in some bad company and might need help to get out of the same. But to know what exactly might have happened remained a big question. Would they be able to find out?

Coming Home

After a lot of persuasion and assurance, the parents convinced him to come home for the holidays. They had firm thoughts in their minds that no matter how hard it would be,  they would bring out the truth. But would Michael confess? If yes, how?

Wait Ended

When Michael came home, their wait finally ended. Now all they had to do was make Michael sit and tell them the truth. But was that easy? It might not be that easy in the case of Michael because it had been months and he was feeding them lies and nothing else.

Hiding The Truth

So after having dinner and doing the normal chit chat they indirectly asked him about his job, life and also about the money that he had taken. His father joked that now as he is working he will return the money with interest and shockingly he agreed for the same. Why was Michael telling lies over lies?

Answer At Any Cost

When they had tried their best and still couldn’t get an answer, they thought of changing the plan and get the answer by hook or crook. So after dinner, they made him sit in front of them for the serious talk and were determined to get the answer. Would Michael tell the truth now or stick to lies as before?

Unseen Trouble

After all this time, they had somewhat lost their trust in him so whatever excuses he made didn’t really affect the confrontation. Until he started crying like a kid in front of them and didn’t stop. Even they both tried consoling him several times. But why did he start crying? Was he in some big trouble and would the parents be able to pull him out from the same?