Telling the family

Nadia was not at all comfortable with the fact that it could be the last time that she sees her parents. She knew that her mother would get a shock if she would have told her about the decision, so she told her younger brother instead, who said,“You go and find a life.” Her brother and sister-in-law accompanied her as far as the Hungarian border on the night she was leaving.

Escaping Romania

Nadia was accompanied by five more defectors on the deadly route to the Hungarian border. Luckily, even after being stopped by the Hungarian police, she was able to complete her journey to the Austrian border as they recognized the gymnast and took pity. Past the Austrian, border, she met Panait, who was responsible for taking her to the US embassy and eventually on a flight to New York City.

The Defector

Nadia was surprised to witness the fact that people were not that happy to  see her. The rumors of her dating the dictator’s son and the fact that she was a defector was very difficult for some people to digest. On top of that, Nadia looked far different from the way she looked while being the superstar gymnast.

Locked out

Apparently, Panait was filtering the calls that Nadia received from her friends and fellow defectors from Romania. Even, her coach Bela tried to contact her but couldn’t because of this fact. Nadia had no idea about the things that were going on around her.

Something fishy

Bart Conner, the boy who had kissed Nadia on the cheek during the American Cup, was surprised to see Nadia in the USA. He also tried to get in touch with her but couldn’t. So when he noticed that Nadia was about to make an appearance in the Pat Sajak Show, he used his influence to come as a surprise guest on the show. He also told the producers that he felt that something was not right as Nadia had not met with any of her friends in States.

Big trouble

On the contrary, it seemed that Nadia was in a relationship with married Panait. News of thier staying in hotels across the country frequently popped up. When asked about what was cooking between the two, Nadia said, “It’s a secret.” Who knew, that Panait’s intention was evil and he was actually keeping Nadia as a hostage.