One of the most beautiful phases in a couple’s life is when they realize that they are no longer a couple but soon are going to be a family of three. The news of the unborn baby fills their life with cheer, joy, and happiness. Though all those who are not alien to parenthood says, “Parenthood is the scariest hood, one will ever go through”.

While its a challenging one, Nia and Robert Tolbert had to face the scariest side of it. Life was as usual to them until Nia got pregnant, surprisingly, for the third time. Though the to-be parents were happy but soon only were frightened by the revelations of the doctor.

Rare Scenario

Nia and Robert Tolbert were a couple madly in love with. They were the residents of Waldorf, Maryland. The 24 hours of their day were devoted to each other and all they knew was, it is love all around. Just like any other couple they too were eager to taste parenthood. However, things turned out in an unexpected manner. All of Nia’s pregnancies were exceptional cases, but the third one was so rare that it shocked the doctors worldwide.


Robert was a responsible father. He had fulfilled every duty that he as a father had. But, when Nia broke the odd about her third pregnancy, he could not take it. The news came shocking to him and he fainted. Poor Dad, little did he know that it was the beginning to a taxing phase. If you ask, why did he faint, then put in your minds and follow their bitter-sweet and rare tale…

Tying The Knot

Nia and Robert had those cute little fights over changing Shai’s diapers. Both of them quarreled who would do it the next time when it needs to be changed. And with this, they gave a name to their relationship by tying the knot in 2014. They were now a picture-perfect family. However, they had no idea that this family picture was missing on a few unborn members.

Destiny Had Its Role

Nia and Robert were coping up with the challenges this new addition into their family brought along with. They were too occupied with their kids that they did not realize when did the sun rose and when did the day come to an end. They thought to bring up a child was a task, but soon only realized that managing twins was even hectic. It was then they said to themselves that it was enough and they don’t want more kids. But, destiny had its role…


Not Again

Nia and Robert were two independent and disciplined beings. Though they had carefully planned their family, plans did not work out as they expected them to be. Looking after three children already took a toll on them that an unexpected news knocked on their doors. Nia was pregnant again. (Ok, so this be the third time). In words of the couple, this was an unplanned pregnancy. But things were not as easy and smooth as the earlier two pregnancies.