An Illegal Act
soldiers wwi ship americans

So Robert Conroy eventually ended up going an illegal activity. He went ahead and smuggled Stubby onto the transport ship! Also, since all the other soldiers on his unit were very fond of Stubby, too, he knew they would not tell on him. And so, the 102nd Infantry went ahead with its trip to Europe, to join the war with the adorable doggy in the ship!

Still On Board

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The ship was destined to reach the east across the Atlantic. The supervisors were completely oblivious to the fact that they had an illegal passenger on board, a very furry one. Were they going to tell on Conroy? When the officers were in their personal rooms, when the coast was clear, Conroy would bring Stubby out on the deck of the USS Minnesota and let him run around.

A Good Distraction
doughboys world war i dog stubby americans

It would have been a little frightening to know that they were about to fight a war. Even if they were trained and ready, it would have still been quite nerve-wracking. But in a way, having Stubby around could have somehow given them a little calmness and hope. Stubby was a good distraction from all the chaos they were about to experience. They decided to give him a reward…

Fuzzy Soldier

Image result for robert conroy soldier

During their journey, Robert Conroy had to hide his pal Stubby in a coal bin on the USS Minnesota most of the time. They were lucky because everyone on board could keep the secret as they loved the dog very much too. There was a machinist present in the ship crew who had a good idea for the proud pooch. Whatever could this be?

A Tag For Him
stubby dog world war i

The machinist came up with something meant especially for Stubby. He gave him his very own pair of dog tags, which was something exactly like his human friends had! The active pup, however, could not understand the humor behind this funny pun. This was no matter, a stepping stone towards a military career that would surpass many soldiers who fought in the war too.

Stubby The Secret

Image result for robert conroy soldier

As soon as the military ship reached their destination in France, Conroy received a new assignment. He was constantly moved from one base to another, he needed to be alert at all times for Stubby to avoid detection. Conroy had to hide little Stubby, keeping him inside heavy army blankets, and there were times he would conceal his furry friend on the insides of his overcoat.