Broke Couple

Jeff and Kylee were broke. Kylee always dreamt of a wedding where at least all of her family members and friends get invited. The point was they couldn’t even afford a simple wedding as of the moment. But knowing the fact that the wedding day will be the most important day for them they were ready to work hard for it. Kylee suggested to Jeff that they should start saving as much as possible for their wedding. They had it all planned for themselves and it was more of a decision that they would not spend even an extra penny when not required. Jeff and Kylee had their mutual saving mode on as the two were planning to save enough for their dream wedding. What Jeff didn’t know was that his way of showing his love towards his wife will grab worldwide attention for all the wrong reasons.

Gift Arrived

The day was here, and the gift was supposed to arrive at Jeff’s place. He even received a confirmation message from the online store from where he bought the item that it has been delivered. As a matter of fact, he didn’t recall anyone ringing the bell. He thought that as it was a prepaid order, the delivery boy might have left the gift in the porch. There was nothing on the porch. So, Jeff went to look for the order in his front lawn. Surprisingly, the package wasn’t there either. He was assuming that the package was kept at some odd place by the delivery guy.

Sad Truth

Jeff finally gave in and told the whole thing that’s been going on to Kylee who was already surprised. She never thought that Jeff will plan something for her like this, she tried to cheer him up. The thing that concerned Kylee that most were the fact that how can a gift get disappear all of a sudden.

Checking The Footage

Although Jeff and Kylee were not expecting anything big out of the camera they still checked the CCTV footage. They wanted to be sure if the delivery boy delivered the package or not. When Jeff pressed the rewind button he understood that something was wrong.


“Blasting this on social media and the response we got, it’s amazing how many people chimed in and actually said, ‘hey, we know her… this is her name,’” recalled Jeff and about his experience. So, before the cops came to talk to Jeff, he already knew the identity of this woman.
