Bad Shape

Both the kittens were in every bad state and the rescuers wanted to give them a hot water bath. This might sound an easy thing but convincing kittens who are scared of humans is not at all an easy task. But it was necessary to make them feel better.

Warm Bath

After several efforts, the father and daughter were finally able to gain the kittens’ trust and took them for a bath. After giving them the bath and cleaning them with soft towels, the two rescuers realized the major issue with the kittens. 

Food Time

“So we gave them a bath!  We wrapped them up and supplied them with body heat. Already we can see them perking up,” was published as a caption of their real-time recovery photos. Giving them a bath was just the start of a long process of bringing them back to a healthy life.


“When they are wet, you can see how malnourished they are. They’re extremely skinny. They don’t really seem to know what to do with the tiny bowl of kitten food we put down,” read the post. The kittens seemed to get better after the bath but they were not fed from several days and they were hungry.

Comfy Bed

The father and daughter found themselves blessed to be able to rescue such adorable kittens. It was for his daughter’s request that they finally rescued them and brought them to their warm house and even warmer bed. 

Sweet Kittens

The rescuers said, “They’re not disposable, despite what the person who abandoned these cats might think. This is the update after our vet visit for the two cats! Last night I gave the kitties some food and they devoured it!”